casing power tong

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Letoto la KHT Casing Power Tong e sebelisetsoa ho etsa le ho phatloha bakeng sa ts'ebetso ea casing masimong a oli. E fokolitse mosebetsi oa basebetsi haholo, e ntlafalitse boleng ba khokahanyo ea khoele le ho fokotsa ts'ebetso ea casing e sa lokelang.

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

✧ Tšobotsi

1.Lipoleiti tse ka pele tse nang le mehlahare e 'meli ea master tong li ka har'a sebopeho sa ho tsubella 'me letlapa la mohlahare le ka morao ke mohaho oa ho hloa li-roller.
Kopano le disassembly li bonolo haholo. Moralo o nepahetseng ka ho fetesisa oa tangent-diameter o netefatsa ho thipa ho ts'epahalang le ho kgutlela ho bonolo ha letsoapo. Tong e ka morao ke sebopeho sa lipoleiti tse tharo tse sututsoang ke hydraulic cylinder. Sebopeho se bonolo mme clamping e ka tšeptjoa;

2. Ho potoloha ha li-gear tse 'nè ho amoheloa bakeng sa lebelo le leholo la taolo ea lebelo. 'Me torque e lekantsoeng e kholo;

3. E na le mokhoa oa braking o nang le "braking staple". Braking torque e kholo. Opereishene e bonolo. 'Me e loketse ho lokisoa le ho nkeloa sebaka;

casing power tong
casing power tong

4. Ka sebopeho se ts'ehetsang se seholo se bulehileng, ho thatafala le ho tiea ha lisebelisoa tse kholo tse bulehileng ho matlafatsoa haholo;

5. Khetla e entsoe ka poleiti ea tšepe e nang le boima bo phahameng. Ho thatafala ka kakaretso ho molemo. Lipoleiti tse fapaneng tsa mohlahare li entsoe ka mokhoa o motle oa ho lahla le oa ho forging. E na le ponahalo e ntle le boima bo phahameng;

6. Pontšo ea torque ea Hydraulic e fanoa. 'Me sebopeho sa ho kenya sesebelisoa sa torque se fanoang bakeng sa tsamaiso ea k'homphieutha.

Mohlala KHT5500 KHT7625 KHT9625 KHT13625 KHT14000
Range of Master Tong Φ60-140 Φ73-194 Φ73-245 Φ101-346 Φ101-356
2 3/8”-5 1/2” 2 7/8”-7 5/8” 2 7/8”-9 5/8” 4”-13 5/8” 4”-14”
Range of Backup Tong Φ60-165 Φ73-219 Φ73-267 Φ101-394 Φ101-394
2 3/8"~6 1/2" 2 7/8”-8 5/8” 2 7/8”-10 1/2” 4"-15 1/2" 4"-15 1/2"
Gear e tlase e lekantsoeng ea Torque 3400N.m 34000 Nm 36000 Nm 42000 Nm 100000 Nm
2500 ft-lbs 25000 ft/lbs 27000 ft/lbs 31000 ft/lbs 75000 ft/lbs
Low Gear Rated Lebelo 6.5 RPM 8 RPM 6.5 RPM 8.4 RPM 3 RPM
E lekantsoe Khatello ea Ts'ebetso 14Mpa 14 Mpa 14 Mpa 14 Mpa 17.2 Mpa
2000 PSI 2000 PSI 2000 PSI 2000 PSI 2500 PSI
Phallo e lekantsoeng 150 LPM 150 LPM 150 LPM 150 LPM 187.5 LPM
40 GPM 40 GPM 40 GPM 40 GPM 50 GPM
Master Tong Dimension: L×W×H 1163*860*1033 1350×660×1190 1500×790×1045 1508×857×1194 1750×1080×1240
59" × 31" × 41.1" 53"×26"×47" 59" × 31" × 41.1" 59.4" × 33.8" × 47" 69" × 42.5" × 48.8"
Tekanyo e Kopantsoeng ea Tong: L×W×H 1163*860*1708 1350×660×1750 1500×790×1750 1508×1082×1900 1750×1080×2050
59"×31"×69" 53"×26"×69" 59"×31"×69" 59.4" × 42.6" × 74.8" 69" × 42.5" × 80.7"
Master Tong Weight 800kg 550 lik'hilograma 800 lik'hilograma 650 lik'hilograma 1500 lik'hilograma
lik'hilograma tse 1760 1210 liponto lik'hilograma tse 1760 lik'hilograma tse 1433 3300 liponto
Boima ba Tong bo Kopantsoeng 1220kg 825 lik'hilograma 1220 lik'hilograma 1250 lik'hilograma 2150 lik'hilograma
2680lobs 1820 liponto lik'hilograma tse 2680 2750 liponto lik'hilograma tse 4730


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